
Have yourself a Middle Eastern Christmas: 6 Christmas Traditions around the Middle East

Christmas middle east1

More than 2 billion people around the world celebrate Christmas every year, and depending where you are in the world, the festive traditions that come with the holiday season look rather different.

While the heart of the holiday remains the same, every country, culture and community has their own unique traditions and customs that capture the spirit of Christmas.

In the West, Christmas is generally celebrated with a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, Santa Claus, eggnog, cookies and lavish Christmas turkey feast with family and friends.

Christmas traditions in the Middle East, home to about 10 to 13 million Christians, are as diverse as the countries they are celebrated in and are passed on from generation to generation.

With Christmas right around the corner, we take a look at some heartwarming traditions from around the Middle East:


Photo Credit: Flickr/Brett Jordan
Photo Credit: Flickr/Brett Jordan

Although Christmas food traditions vary widely around the world, there are a few staples that make it to almost every Christmas feast. The Christmas cake is one of them.

In Jordan, Christmas cake-making begins in the first week of December and is made by soaking dried fruits in cognac, brandy and rum. The cake is baked later using eggs, flour and baking powder and is served during the Christmas Eve dinner.

On Christmas day, Jordanian families usually visit the elders in the family, followed by relatives and friends.


Lebanon Christmas

In Lebanon, people often plant seeds of chickpeas, wheat grains, lentils and beans or cotton wool about two weeks before Christmas and continue watering them every day until Christmas day. The shoots are then placed under the Christmas tree, around the manger or in different parts of the house to signify the birth of Jesus Christ.

In place of turkey and cranberries, Lebanese families enjoy kibbeh, a lamb-rice dish, and burghul with tabbouleh, a popular parsley salad, at the grandparents’ or eldest son’s home for the traditional Christmas lunch.

People also celebrate with the beloved dabkeh, a traditional Lebanese dance where people join hands to form a circle or semi-circle and dance to native percussion tunes.


Iraqi Christmas
Photo credit

Although Christmas is an official holiday in Iraq, celebrations are usually simple, quiet and solemn.

On Christmas Eve, the children of the family take turns reading the story of the Nativity from Arabic Bibles while the rest of the family lights candles and listen.

After the story is read, the family creates a bonfire of dried thorns to predict their future for the forthcoming year. If the thorns completely turn to ash, it is a symbol of good fortune. Each person then jumps over the ashes three times and makes a wish.

Another Iraqi tradition comes during the Christmas mass where the Bishop blesses the congregation by placing his hand on a member of the congregation, who then touches the person next to him. This process continues until every member in the church has received the ‘touch of peace.’


A child wearing a Santa Claus costume lights a candle inside the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem during the Eastern Orthodox Christmas

Known as the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem is truly special and remarkable place to celebrate Christmas.

Various Christian factions, including Catholic, Protestant, Syrian and Greek Orthodox and Armenian churches, celebrate masses in different languages simultaneously in different parts of the Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria, echoing the Christmas sentiments of peace, harmony and unity.

The Palestinian Christmas feast usually includes roast lamb or turkey, sweets made with nougat and sesame seeds, semolina pancakes stuffed with cheese and nuts and a hot drink made with sweetened rose water.


Syria Christmas

In Syria, Santa Claus doesn’t usually distribute presents to children for Christmas. Children are told that their presents are brought to them by the youngest camel that carried the three wise men to visit Jesus Christ.

Instead of leaving milk and cookies, children eagerly place water and hay outside their homes on New Year’s Eve for the camel that arrives on New Year’s Day with their presents.



In accordance with the Orthodox tradition, the Coptic Church in Egypt celebrates Christmas on January 7. During Advent, a time of waiting and preparation for the birth of Christ, Egyptian Copts fast from meat, poultry and dairy products for 40 days.

Christmas Day is usually celebrated by visiting relatives, neighbors and friends and usually give their hosts kahk, a traditional shortbread that is usually eaten with a soup called shorba.




  1. Christmas is one of the most enjoying moments where the celebration starts with the decoration and continues with the super delicious cakes, cholates, cookies & more. The days that are spent on Christmas season literally work through the year and make us wait for the next one. I love it because this is also the best holiday season as well as the time to shop everything at discounts with the help of Rezeem. I always plan for a trip at this time. I just loved your article and thanks for reminding those traditions and celebration time just before the celebration again.

  2. With the end of every year days of celebration starts. Christmas is one of the most important days out of them. People around the globe plan their vacation in or the other manner. Some go to church either some plan for exotic location whereas some also exchange gifts, cakes, chocolates and more. On my personal view, I just love all the things about Christmas like the decoration, celebration, various Christmas based theme parties and a lot more. As most of the people also send gifts to their loved one. On these days most of the online store is filled with various discount and deals by which one can easily save his/her earning on sending gifts.

  3. Christmas is one of the most favourite festival in the world. I love your article it will be help to me understand the traditions of middle east countries for Christmas.

  4. Celebrating Christmas in Jesus Christ’s birthplace is one thing in my bucket list. I would love to Bethlehem during Christmas time. Christmas is the best time of the year and the holiday season brings us a lot of joy and spirits in our hearts. From shining Christmas markets to carols to baked cakes, everything is delightful during this season. You can also add Dubai to this list since it is one of the most happening places to be during the Christmas holidays. Shopping, middle eastern cuisine, gold souks, spice and street markets, musical concerts and much more can be done in Dubai during Christmas. Great post though and thanks for sharing the Christmas traditions.

  5. Christmas is one of the most enjoying moments where the celebration starts with the decoration and continues with the super delicious cakes, cholates, cookies & more. The days that are spent on Christmas season literally work through the year and make us wait for the next one. I love it because this is also the best holiday season as well as the time to shop everything at discounts with the help of Goubba. I always plan for a trip at this time. I just loved your article and thanks for reminding those traditions and celebration time just before the celebration again

  6. That is some amazing read. This really gives a perspective as to how different countries and cultures influence the holy spirit of Christmas in the most varied and beautiful ways. Very insightful!

  7. One significant aspect of Christmas in the Middle East is the rich cultural tapestry that incorporates both Christian and Islamic traditions. Nativity scenes, church services, and carol singing are common among Christian communities, while festive decorations, holiday markets, and special meals are enjoyed by people of all backgrounds.

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